HR isn’t just about employees, it never was

"I work/want to work in HR because I enjoy working with people" If you believe this as the sole reason for choosing a career in HR, you must re-think. HR pros do not deal with employees alone today, rather they never did. There is lot more to this profession that is usually over-shadowed by the... Continue Reading →

#socialHR events to look forward next week

Social media is the fastest and widest source of learning today. My social world was much limited to Facebook(personal) and LinkedIn(professional) until I started exploring social media as means of learning and connecting with industry peers , which wasn't very long ago. It was amazing to see the opportunities it provided in terms of learning,... Continue Reading →

What makes HR crucial for business success?

“Human Resources isn’t a thing we do, It’s the thing that runs our business.”– Steve Wynn That’s true, HR is not just about support, it is a crucial function that shapes the working and future of organization. With growing corporate demands and workplace challenges, Human Resource professionals have emerged as Employee advocate, Business partners, Strategic Partners,... Continue Reading →

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