Type of “E-mail personalities” at work

You've got mail

A recent e-mail, which took me as long to read as to finish my cup of morning coffee prompted me to write this post.  We receive numerous e-mails throughout the day and for the official e-mails the number is enormous. I was going through my mail box last night to identify the most common e-mail patterns people follow at workplace and came up with a few “E-mail personality types” at work.

“Automated response” writers 

These people respond to their e-mails as if they have a preset “Auto response” that keeps directing e-mails to desired receivers attaching “that common” message for all matters. It often seems their main job is to delegate tasks.

Email-Automated writers







Constant Reminders

Some people expect an instant response to their emails or assume that their job must be a “high priority” to all. They buzz you with repeated reminders, day after day,sometimes hours after hours if their matter/task is not given immediate attention.

email- reminder1










Silent Critics

If you have ever done a silly mistake/ delay in your work in the past and really wish to get over it, these people will never let you to. They have an unusual way of getting their job done. They do it by constantly reminding you of your past mistake or behavior in a subtle critical manner.

email-silent critics











Rambling e-mail Writers

A long chain of e-mail which often takes you “ON and OFF” the topic comes from rambling e-mail writers. They write each and every details/ piece of information related(sometimes non-related) to the task and the very look at their long e-mail makes to tag it “Unread”(read to be read later).

The one I mentioned reading  was a similar one.

email-rambling writer











“Human touch” writers

These are the most conversational and personal e-mails writers. An e-mail from them is often sure to be read and acted upon in the very first attempt as their tone compels you to take responsibility as humans not as office machines.

email-human touch











As soon as I am done with this post, I would sit to identify my “e-mail personality” at work. What’s yours?

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