4 ways companies are using social media to attract potential candidates

Social media has finally done it; it has made recruiting a “two-way” road.  It’s no more just job seekers approaching employers, companies too are looking for ways to reach candidates and attract talent. According to SHRM study, April 2013, 77 % employers use Social media to recruit employees in 2013 as opposed to 34% in 2008. With Starbucks being one of the trend-setters, most  companies are now taking social media positively and are not even afraid of experimenting when it comes to connecting with candidates.

In pursuit of having an edge over their competitors, companies are coming up with innovative ways to use social media for branding and talent acquisition. Some of the popular ones are


Gen Y is a huge fan of pictures, videos and info-graphics and Jobgram successfully utilizes them all.  Unlike the conventional job posting method, Jobgram makes the advert into an infographic and videos.  In a snapshot glance, the applicant gets the idea of what HR wants to convey, all in picture format.

Click HERE to see how Jobgram works


More and more companies are now using Youtube to connect with customers and candidates. They are posting videos that talk about company’s work culture, job opportunities, benefits, career growth etc.  KPMG, Accenture, American Express, Deloitte, Philips are some of the companies with mass following on Youtube



Facebook is growing in popularity as a medium of job search and employer branding. With Facebook being the most widely used social media , companies are utilizing the opportunity to reach , share , advertise and access large database of candidates as compared to other social and digital media. Most of the companies today have their own Facebook career page where they post job opportunities, success stories and employee experiences and are able to connect with millions of candidates.

Click HERE for Microsoft career page


Some companies, like AT&T , is using Job Alerts to keep potential candidates connected. To utilize this, one has to sign up on the career section of company’s website to join the company’s Talent Network and receive hot job leads via text message based on location and job type. Companies are using job alerts to send job opportunities to candidate’s inbox and smart phones. This way they are keeping job seekers aware of new and open opportunities in real-time. Job alerts are sent to candidates when

  • There is a recruitment event
  • For interview schedules
  • When candidate has made it to next round of interview

Employers are willingly making changes to their recruitment strategy and coming months are expected to see newer styles and approaches to Social media hiring.

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