Employee Pulse Survey

A great workplace is one where employees feel valued and connected to the organization. Employee loyalty and satisfaction is a crucial measure of organizational success. Realizing this fact, company’s today are investing time and resources in keeping their employees satisfied and productive through various employee relation strategies and tools. Pulse Survey  is a similar approach which is gaining gradual significance .

pulse survey

 Why “Pulse Survey”?

As pulse rate is an indicator of human health, pulse survey is an indicator of company’s health.

What is “Pulse Survey”?

By definition, Pulse survey, also called employee pulse survey  is a tool often used by companies to measure their operating climate and overall performance. A pulse survey is conducted on employees or customers on periodic basis.   Such a survey helps to get a sense of the “health” of the company by evaluating employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall attitude.

What does a “Pulse survey” measure?

A pulse survey aims to indicate and provide evaluation regarding employee issues such as job satisfaction, work environment, and pay satisfaction.

How often is a “pulse survey” conducted?

For effective analysis, these surveys must be conducted on regular and periodic intervals usually every 6 months. Some companies also conduct Pulse survey after introducing a major organizational or functional change to evaluate reaction and concern.

Conducting a “Pulse survey”…..

Pulse surveys are best designed by professional psychologists or human resource professionals. The process is best conducted through an Internet-based questionnaire with automatic collation of results.  Usually, a third party or an outside company conducts and administers these surveys in view of gathering more open and honest employee opinion. Such surveys are kept short, sharp and quick to complete.

How is a Pulse Survey conducted?

Pulse Survey process














Benefits of “Pulse Survey”

Some of the benefits of conducting a Pulse Survey are-

  1. Well conducted and analyzed surveys help to identify problem areas and provides improvement scope.
  2. A pulse survey increase employee and organizational awareness.
  3. A pulse survey is a powerful employee relation strategy.
  4.  A pulse survey helps in process and work culture improvement.
  5. If customer focused, these surveys enhance customer loyalty.

*A pulse survey is different than an employee survey in the ways that a Pulse survey is brief , more specific in goal and is conducted on pre-defined employee groups.

Hope the post is helpful.

8 thoughts on “Employee Pulse Survey

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  1. Hey Jacob, Great article.
    Thanks for sharing !
    Some insightful points for an emerging issue in the HR community.
    As only 13% of the employees are engaged, there is a major demand for capturing the right data quick & easy and take action based on accurate information.
    Additionally, I’ve published a similar blog with few more pointers. Would love to get your thoughts on it.

    Check it out !

  2. Hey, Great article.
    Thanks for sharing !
    Some insightful points for an emerging issue in the HR community.
    As only 13% of the employees are engaged, there is a major demand for capturing the right data quick & easy and take action based on accurate information.
    Additionally, I’ve published a similar blog with few more pointers. Would love to get your thoughts on it.

    Check it out !

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